February 8, 2016

Own Your Humility

From a young age, we develop a sense of self. We build interests, identities, and beliefs. We also build armor, because life is difficult: we all experience embarrassment, loss, and pain. It's natural to protect our heart. Yet it's possibleeven freeingto unveil our heart. It's possible to be vulnerable. To see our innate goodness, as we see the goodness in others. 

My "self" bounces between two extremes: there's something wrong with me (I'm worthless) or there's nothing wrong with me (I'm awesome and undervalued). Each of these extremes separates me. And this separation is an armor; an attempt to control an unpredictable world. But it doesn't feel good. It constricts my body and my heart. When I re-connect with awarenesswhen I sit in meditation or simply take a pauseI find a place between extremes. I find humility. 

With humility, I hold two ideas at once: I'm lovable just as I am, but I have blind spots that hold me back; I have gifts to give the world, but my gifts aren't more special than others' gifts; I have wisdom and insight, but my ideas are limited (I must keep practicing); my life matters, yet I'm not a big deal. When I move from a place of humility, work hums and connection happensall without having to try so hard. I simply get out of the way.

Karen Maezen Miller writes, "The world needs fewer people to own their greatness and a few more to own their humility." Each day I wonder: how can I own my humility? How can I know myself yet forget myself? 

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  1. This brings me to tears, Joy. What a world this would be if we all had more humility and kindness towards ourselves and others. Thanks for sharing your beautiful voice, mind and soul.

    1. Indeed, Steph, what a world this would be. I have hope for that world. Hugs to you!

  2. I will be back to read this over and over. Yes, what a world we would have. Thank you so much Joy. xoxo

    1. And thank you, Cathy, for sharing. You write that you'll be "back to read this over and over." I think I'll do the same. :) It's a good reminder for us all.

  3. Joy, this post is pure GOLD!
    Thank you for sharing, really- pure GOLD x
