March 8, 2013

Human Connection

Today is my last official day in the classroom at Lawrence. (I'm here spring term, but on sabbatical--a lovely, low-key way to transition.) This is an emotional day--more emotional than I expected. Not because I doubt my decision; because I deeply care for my students. My interactions with students (in and out of the classroom) are what fill my heart and lift my spirit. I enjoy talking with students about statistics, but enjoy even more talking about life. I see the creativity, strength, and light in all my students. When possible, I try to reflect my view back to them. The stories that play in our own minds are often distorted; the inner-critic wants to squash our light. It's a gift to see ourselves through the eyes of another. In Lawrence students I see kindness, creativity, emotion, intelligence, vulnerability, and light--in a variety of ways.

Recently I wrote some six-word memoirs, concisely summarizing where I am right now. Here's one  of my memoirs: achievements fade away; people matter most. Indeed, people matter the most to me. Thanks to the whole Lawrence community for making me feel so connected.

1 comment:

  1. There will always be students and connection. xo Congratulations!!!
