September 2, 2013

Getting Out of My Head

Yesterday began in the normal Sunday way: I steeped tea and chopped veggies, Mark made biscuits, we created egg-veggie mixtures, and ate outside. We talked about ideas, food, and the wildlife around us.

Then I got into my head. I tinkered with a recent essay. I worried that it would be rejected. I obsessed about my author bio (in the small chance the essay is accepted): Joy Jordan is a former professor of statistics who now obsesses about writing an unassailable personal essay. My mind was full of thoughts. But not productive thoughts.

I recognized the unproductive nature of my thinking. And so did Mark ("perhaps writing a new essay would be better than worrying this one to death"). So we went for a walk. We walked to the student-run organic garden on campus; we walked to the local urban farm. We surrounded ourselves with wild nourishment. It was a wonderful antidote to my obsessive thinking.

There are different whats about which I can endlessly think--work, plans, projects, rumination on past events, daydreams of life all-wrapped-up. When I'm unproductively in my head, I need to 1) sink into my heart and listen, or 2) move my body--get outside and get some perspective. Yesterday I did the latter. I walked for hours, connected with nature, investigated spaces, witnessed parties on people's lawns--I got outside all the thoughts in my head. And there's so much life out there: so much life to be experienced.


  1. I soooo can head can be a wonderful place to be and sometimes it's like a Chinese finger trap. I need to take your advice to heart!

    1. yes, a Chinese finger trap! and all we need do is relax and let go. then we're free.

  2. So true! To work 'consciously' (and yes, I know, this sounds so contradictory combined with heart) on your number 1, I am starting a heartfulness course in 1.5 weeks: will keep you posted about it if you'd want to know more about it. Walking and exercising are my number 2 as well. Finally starting with yoga in two days, together with my dearest. Can't wait :)
    All the best on your writing path Joy! I deeply believe in you and your capacities. Again, your photography fascinates me: especially the depth of the last and the unusual point of view of the second one. Hug from my sunny country where summer seems to be on its best now!

    1. so good to hear from you, cococita. thanks for your belief in me. it's good to be on this life journey with you.
